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Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan

CLIENT: Atlanta Regional Commission

Purpose of Project

The 2050 Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan (SFCTP) was conducted to update local transportation plans that are made a part of the regional transportation planning process. Modern Mobility Partners (MMP) was contracted directly with the Atlanta Regional Commission (Atlanta MPO) on behalf of the cities of Chattahoochee Hills, College Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Palmetto, South Fulton, and Union City, along with a small portion of unincorporated Fulton County.


The primary goal of the SFCTP was to serve as a roadmap for implementing a shared transportation vision for the area communities. The plan resulted in policy and prioritized project recommendations across all modes for all eight municipalities and the southern Fulton region as a whole.  The SFCTP focused on serving the travel needs of people and goods, including residents, commuters, workers, and visitors, to enhance the quality of life in southern Fulton County.


Our Role on the Project

As the lead consultant, MMP led or oversaw all elements of the SFCTP, including stakeholder and public engagement; existing conditions and needs analysis; policy and project identification, evaluation, and prioritization; revenue forecasting and project cost estimates; and ultimately developing a financially feasible plan.  Below are some highlights of how we provided additional value above and beyond the typical CTP:

  • Engagement

  • Data Analytics

  • New and Emerging Technologies

  • Transit Planning

  • Bike and Pedestrian Planning

  • Freight Planning

  • At-Grade Railroad Crossings

  • Performance-Based Planning

  • Economic Impacts

  • Infrastructure Funding Strategy


Problem Solvers

Shortly after kicking off the plan update, MMP identified competing priorities of the eight municipalities as a potential risk to successfully adopting the plan.  As a result, MMP moved the development of the project evaluation and prioritization framework up to the beginning of the plan.  This allowed us to engage stakeholders, elected officials and the public early to gain input on what they valued most when identifying and prioritizing projects.  We then developed a two-tiered project prioritization framework that reflected the values of each municipality, as well as the southern Fulton region as a whole.  By engaging people early in development of the criteria, performance measures and weighting scenarios, stakeholders and the general public had ownership in the plan and felt the projects aligned with each of their priorities.  As a result, the Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan was adopted unanimously by all eight municipalities in late 2020.

Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan Image


What Our Clients Say About Us


“The SFCTP exceeded expectations and achieved a high level of support across multiple stakeholders and the public through an extensive outreach process, high quality technical analyses, and a forward-thinking approach to implementation considerations. The SFCTP was delivered on time and on budget and met or exceeded all project goals.”


- David Haynes, Long Range Transportation Plan Manager, Atlanta Regional Commission

The Southern Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Project was the winner of the 2021 Engineering Excellence Merit Award from ACEC Georgia, and the 2021 Outstanding Planning Document Award from the Georgia Planning Association!

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